
mein gott - thad er brjalad ad gera i vinnunni og verdur thar til symposian er buin - eftir viku sumse - thangad til bid eg ykkur bara vel ad lifa -
her eru nanari upplysingar um symposiuna og dundurlidid sem er ad koma hingad - jibbi!

FOR RELEASE: Oct. 29, 2003

Former Attorney General Janet Reno to join Cornell symposium on juvenile justice and death penalty, Nov. 6-7

— A symposium, “Rethinking the Criminalization of Youth,” will be held Nov. 6-7 at Cornell University, featuring former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, a Cornell alumna and a Frank H.T. Rhodes Class of ’56 University Professor.
Scholars from around the nation will participate in the symposium, which will examine the evolving history of the American juvenile justice system and the death penalty and how new research in the social sciences suggests that contemporary practices for juvenile offenders be changed. The event is free and open to the public.

The symposium will be held on the eve of the trial in Fairfax County, Va., of teenager Lee Boyd Malvo, one of the two men accused of the Beltway sniper murders a year ago.

The meeting will focus on behavioral sciences research into crime and punishment for youthful offenders, as well as on the history and current administration of the juvenile death penalty. Other topics will include adolescent confessions, recidivism in the adult criminal courts versus youth courts, why the United States refuses to sign international covenants against the juvenile death penalty and the Malvo case.

“This is a cross-college, multidisciplinary effort to enliven undergraduate education around an important social policy issue and to review recent research that suggests that minors and adults differ in terms of their criminal culpability, their understanding of legal processes and their responsiveness to treatment,” says conference organizer Joan Jacobs Brumberg, a Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow and Cornell professor of human development and feminist, gender and sexuality studies. “Students will get the opportunity to experience the kind of intellectual conferences that their professional careers as lawyers, doctors, teachers, social workers and psychologists routinely demand. Our undergraduate conferees will have access to experts in a variety of different disciplines and fields – developmental psychology, law, criminology, history and sociology – as well as the opportunity to interact with Janet Reno.”

The symposium begins with a reading by Brumberg from her new book, Kansas Charley: The Story of a 19th Century Boy Murderer, at 4 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 6, at Mann Library.

At 9:30 a.m., Friday, Nov. 7, in Barnes Hall, Laurence Steinberg, Distinguished University Professor at Temple University, will give a plenary talk, “Less Guilty by Reason of Adolescence.” Steinberg is a driving force behind the MacArthur Network, an interdisciplinary group of developmental psychologists, criminologists and lawyers who are mapping “best practices” for how the law should deal with youthful offenders. A panel discussion at 11:15 a.m. will explore the treatment of violent youth. Panelists include Steven A. Drizin, associate clinical professor of law, Northwestern University School of Law; Jeffrey Fagan, director of the Center for Violence Research and Prevention at Columbia University; and David Kaczynski of New Yorkers Against the Death Penalty and brother of the Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski; James Garbarino, former professor of human development at Cornell, now at Boston College, will give summary comments.

The afternoon session, in the Moot Court Room of the Cornell Law School, will begin at l:45 p.m. with a presentation on the past and future of juvenile executions by Victor L. Streib, professor and former dean of Ohio Northern University Law School and author of The Juvenile Death Penalty in America. A panel discussion, “The Juvenile Death Penalty: Where We Are Now? ” will follow at 3 p.m. with panelists from different perspectives. They include Steve Harper, director of the Juvenile Death Penalty Initiative; Robert Blecker, an expert in criminal law and the death penalty at New York Law School; and Cornell law professors Muna Ndulo, John Bloom and Steve Clymer. Reno will give a final summary and comments.

The conference is sponsored by the Department of Human Development, College of Human Ecology, Cornell Law School, American Studies Program, Weiss Community Initiative, Ethics and Public Life, Law and Society, Rose Goldsen Lecture Fund, Rhodes Class of ’56 Professorship, Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, Death Penalty Project, Department of Government, Family Life Development Center and Cornell Institute for Research on Children.
For additional information, contact Jane Powers at .



Lance er Facilities Coordinator herna og thad er alltaf gaman thegar einhverjar framkvaemdir eru i gangi, thvi tha faer madur skemmtilega posta fra honum...hvernig er haegt ad vera pirradur yfir lyftuleysi, vatnsleysi, you-name-it-leysi
thegar madur faer svona tilkynningar?

Hello Everyone,
Well, the basement renovations are due to start today. Great news, huh? For the most part that is good news. Please allow me to put a wet blanket on your celebration for a moment. Due to the renovations, the elevator on the west end of the main building will be shutdown starting on the morning of 10/28 (tomorrow) and will come back on line Friday the 31st. Now if that is not enough to make you jump for joy then maybe this will. Starting on Monday 11/3 to 11/7 and again on 11/10 to 11/14 the steam in MVR will be shutdown for the purpose of continued asbestos abatement in the basement. Of course with steam goes the hot water. These shutdowns are unavoidable so please bare with us and excuse the inconvenience.

Lance D. Streeter
Facilities Coordinator
Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
College of Human Ecology
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

Eg vildi oska ad eg hefdi vistad postinn i sidustu viku thar sem var verid ad tala um flisalagningar i kjallaranum og hann bad alla afsokunar nema tha sem gaetu leviterad...snicker...


hurra fyrir daylight savings time!
nuna aetti klukkan ad vera rumlega tiu, en nei! hun er bara niu!
(thad tharf litid til ad gledja mig i dag, hef eytt ollum deginum inni vid ad rifja upp staerdfraedina fra i grunn/framhaldsskola - og svona bara til ad gera thetta meira ahugavert, tha geri eg thad a ensku...*grumble* helvitis standardized tests *grumble* gre *grumble*)


nu er eg glod og thvi ekki ur vegi ad syngja "jibbi jey, jibbi jibbi jey, jibbi jey, jibbi jibbi jibbi jey" eins skaldid maelti fordum.

tolvinn minn hefur nefninlega verid eitthvad slappur undanfarid, og ekki viljad raesa sig fyrir mig - en, halleluja og amen, i kvold nadi eg ad snua a hann og raes'ann og nu gengur thetta eins og vel smurd vel (vel smurd vel, ekki vel smurd vel, sko)

jammer - annars er eg half klokk og javvel med tar i augunum yfir thvi hvad eftir thvi var tekid ad eg var fjarverandi. Minn einasti eini Dr. Schnitzel - hvad get eg sagt...I'm back baby! And that is not amalegt, not amalegt at all. Og svo er eg lika sma hreykin thvi mer tokst med sidustu faerslu ad gera Dr. S. ordlausann. Ja, halleluja og amen, braedur minir og systur.

Ja, er thetta ekki bara nog af tjaaaaftaedi og thrugli?
Thad held eg.
Fegurdin er vida...

Út er komið meistaraverkið Radio Rapist með hinni óviðjafnanlega
fallegu og hæfileikaríku Leoncie.
13 glæný lög m.a. Pole Club Song, Mr. December og Killer in the Park.

hér er textabrot úr einu fallegasta laginu á plötunni,

Ást á pöbbnum :
Hún hitti hann á pöbb eitt kvöld
á Country pub í Reykjavík
Hún starði á hann mjög ákveðinn
Hann glápti á móti dauðadrukkinn
Hún kinkaði kolli og blikkaði hann
Hann var dáleiddur af allann Vodkann
Hann fór til hennar og sagði
hvar hann var frá
Hún sagði "Veistu hvað?"
Við höfum sameiginlegt
því við komum bæði frá Kópavogi


Ást á pöbbnum, þau féllust í ást á
Nú grætur hann - Hann átti að kynnast
henni fyrst
Hún eyðir öllu hans fé. Hann sparar
ekki neitt
Hann vildi kaupa hús, en hann á varla
fyrir öl krús
Til að gera allt verra hann missti vinnuna
í staðinn að vinna fór hann norður með henni
Hún dróg hann til Akureyrar
Þau dönsuðu línudans fram til klukkan 3
Syngjandi.....við komum bæði frá Kópavogi.


tha er thad akvedid...
eg er skrad i GRE-prof thann 12. Desember klukkan 9:30...


og thetta var nottlega allt i tilefni af afmaeli Arnyjar!!!

(je je je, nice save...)
eg drakk kaffi a verondinni i morgun, fuglarnir sungu, ikornar kepptust vid ad safna vetrarforda, Duncan var i kjoltu mer og solin skein - o ja, og svo var saetur strakur sem faerdi mer kaffi...
