
Lance er Facilities Coordinator herna og thad er alltaf gaman thegar einhverjar framkvaemdir eru i gangi, thvi tha faer madur skemmtilega posta fra honum...hvernig er haegt ad vera pirradur yfir lyftuleysi, vatnsleysi, you-name-it-leysi
thegar madur faer svona tilkynningar?

Hello Everyone,
Well, the basement renovations are due to start today. Great news, huh? For the most part that is good news. Please allow me to put a wet blanket on your celebration for a moment. Due to the renovations, the elevator on the west end of the main building will be shutdown starting on the morning of 10/28 (tomorrow) and will come back on line Friday the 31st. Now if that is not enough to make you jump for joy then maybe this will. Starting on Monday 11/3 to 11/7 and again on 11/10 to 11/14 the steam in MVR will be shutdown for the purpose of continued asbestos abatement in the basement. Of course with steam goes the hot water. These shutdowns are unavoidable so please bare with us and excuse the inconvenience.

Lance D. Streeter
Facilities Coordinator
Martha Van Rensselaer Hall
College of Human Ecology
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

Eg vildi oska ad eg hefdi vistad postinn i sidustu viku thar sem var verid ad tala um flisalagningar i kjallaranum og hann bad alla afsokunar nema tha sem gaetu leviterad...snicker...

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