
vorid er eitthvad ekki ad lata sja sig herna i ithoku. eg thrjoskadist samt af prinsippastaedum vid, og drakk kaffid mitt uti a verond i morgun og las nytimes med vettlinga. ja lifid getur verid alveg ljomandi gott, tho thad se allt i fokki i kringum mann.

hey, hvad finnst ykkur um thetta, alveg magnadur andskoti eftir Wislawa Szymborska: "The End and the Beginning"

After every war
someone has to clean up.
Things won't
straighten themselves up, after all.
Someone has to pus the rubble
to the side of the road,
so the corpse-filled wagons
can pass.

'nuff said.

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