
æ, skrú ðis oll. étlaðfámérís.

day 4 of 6 in dc. as much as i like being in a city, seeing new faces instead of the usual weirdos in downtown ithaca and eating delish food-bits, this is getting old. there's no fun when there's no drew. seriously folks.

data collection going shtuperr well, everyone is super nice and my participants are amazing smart people. so that's been really good.

and i've been sightseeing my way. as in wondering aimlessly around dupont circle, washington circle, georgetown, chinatown, you-name-it. except the mall. been there done that. tomorrow i have exceptionally few participants and i'm gonna take the oppy-t and go see bodies. totally kewl stuff. it'll be interesting to see if i can handle that. they're right next door to my hotel and i can walk in the morning. that is if the blistering heat and humidity won't kill me fuuurst. ahem.

i saw ocean's dirteen last night. good stuff. there's no harm in clooney and pitt. bless their cotton socks.

but now i'm gonna have my sorbet and white and read in my pink monkey pj's

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