
endurnyta endurvinna endurskoda

eg for ad grata i skolanum i dag. ja. svona er madur meyr. umfjollunarefnid var umhverfishyggja og hvernig vid erum svona haegt og sigandi ad rusta jordinni med vitleysu og favitaskap. eg fekk innilokunarkennd vid tilhugsunina um thad ad okkur monnunum fjolgar hratt og a mettima erum vid ad utryma odrum dyrategundum og ganga hressilega a orkufordann. and don't get me started on where to put all this people. vid hofum bara eina jord. bara einn hnott sem er ein sjalfstaed eining. algjorlega unik. thad er ekki haegt ad byggja vid hana. ekki haegt ad lifa annarstadar a odrum hnottum. (tjah, amk. ekki eins og er!) eg meika varla ad hugsa um svona sorg thvi, eins og reynslan synir, tha fer eg bara ad grata. af hverju er madurin sem ad eigin mati er aedsta, gafadasta, bestasta skepnan svona heimskur? where did we go wrong?

"The failure to develop ecological literacy is a sin of omission and of commission. Not only are we failing to teach the basics about the earth and how it works, but we are in fact teaching a large amount of stuff that is simply wrong. By failing to include ecological perspectives in any number of subjects, students are taught that ecology is unimportant for history, politics, economics, society and so forth. And through television, they learn that the earth is theirs for the taking. The result is a generation of ecological yahoos without a clue why the color of the water in their rivers is related to their food supply, or why storms are becoming more severe as the planet warms. The same persons as adults will create businesses, vote, have families, and above all, consume." David Orr, 1992.

1 comment:

Herdis said...

Æ nó ðe fílíng, honní.